Ensuring access to safe, legal, high-quality health care

Humu Leadership Team

Businesses, like the people they employ, do not exist in isolation. 

We recognize the impact that today’s Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v Wade could have on many Americans. Abortion rights may disappear overnight in 26 states, affecting about half the women of reproductive age in the US. 

 At Humu, we have always prioritized the health, safety and well-being of our team members and their families. In the wake of this ruling, we cannot and will not remain silent. 

We are committed to ensuring that our employees maintain the right to quality and affordable  reproductive health care, including abortion. This is critical to making work and the world better.

We’re therefore making it publicly known that Humu employees and a support person will be reimbursed for healthcare-related travel expenses for services not available in their home state, including those related to reproductive health care and abortion. Our People team will continue to make it a priority to help our team navigate their needed care.

Given what is at stake, we encourage other organizations and individuals to take a stand against the crushing blow that has been delivered to reproductive rights.